The Karelia cigarettes journey was started in 1888. The company Karelia Tobacco Company was founded and produced the real Greece’s tobacco cigarettes. That’s why the Karelia cigarettes are also called the Greek sunshine smoke. The Karelia Slims belong to the light series of cigarettes of Karelia cigarettes. The soft flavor and smell are strong enough for the amount of nicotine on it.

The Karelia slim has 6 mg resin and 0.6 mg nicotine on each cigarette. Smokers always looking for a cigarette that can make them comfortable or confident after inhaling it. And the Karelia slims could be the one. The smoothness long last. You can enjoy the Karelia slim all day long.

  • A traditional tobacco cigarette.
  • Taste of Greek.
  • Available in our stock now.

If you want to remember a thinner cigarette then try this one. Slim shape raw tobacco. Try the king-size Karelia slim cigarettes by placing your order now. Add some more good experiences to your smoking life.


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Karelia Slims cigarettes Karelia Slims